Do's and Don'ts of Ladder Climbing

June 11th, 2020

Ladders are such common everyday tools that many workers take them for granted and become complacent when using them.  Here with the expertise of Werner we've put together a handy guide for ladder best practice.

View the range of ladders here.


1. Properly set-up and use the ladder in accordance with safety instructions and warnings. Wear suitable footwear with non-slip soles.

2. Centre the body on the ladder and keep your belt buckle between the rails while maintaining a firm grip.

3. Haul materials with a line, rather than carrying them up an extension ladder. Use extra caution when carrying anything on a ladder.

4. Climb facing the ladder, move one step t a time and firmly set one foot before moving the other. Maintain 3 points of contact whilst working from a ladder.

5. Have another person help carry a heavy ladder and have another person hold the ladder whilst you are working on it.

6. Move materials with extreme caution so as not to lose balance or tip the ladder.


1. Don’t stand on the top 3 steps of a swingback ladder or the top 3 rungs of an extension ladder. This includes the top of a stepladder.

2. Don’t climb a closed stepladder, the back of a stepladder or sit on a stepladder.

3. Don’t climb a ladder if you are not physically or mentally up to the task.

4. Don’t place the base of an extension ladder too close to or too far away from the building.

5. Don’t overreach, lean to one side, or try to move a ladder whilst on it. Climb down, reposition, and climb so it’s loser to your work.

6. Don’t exceed the maximum load capacity or duty rating of a ladder. Don’t permit more than one person on an extension or stepladder.