How To Remove Woodchip Wallpaper

August 23rd, 2024

Durable, textured…and difficult to remove. If you’re renovating and wish to say goodbye to the woodchip, it can be tough to know which products are up to the job. Do not despair! With the right products and a little know how, you will be able to remove even the toughest woodchip wallpaper with ease.

What is woodchip wallpaper?

Woodchip wallpaper was invented over a century ago and is made from 3 layers of paper with integrated wood fibres to produce a textured surface. Woodchip wallpaper was the height of fashion in the 70s as it was highly durable and could be repeatedly painted over. Nowadays, woodchip isn’t the most popular with many people now struggling to remove existing woodchip.

The best products for removing woodchip wallpaper:

Zinsser offer some problem-solving products for woodchip wallpaper, making the removal process so much easier. Zinsser DIF Wallpaper Stripper is based on enzyme action for fast and easy removal of wallcoverings and should be used with the Zinsser Paper Tiger Triple Head. This is a professional scoring tool with three cutting modules to help you get the job done.

Removing woodchip wallpaper top tips:

  1. Make sure all flooring and furniture is well protected before starting the process.
  2. Score the wallpaper with the Zinsser Paper Tiger Triple Head to allow Zinsser DIF to penetrate.
  3. Add 400ml of Zinsser DIF to 5L of warm water for immediate use.
  4. Zinsser DIF can be applied with a spray, sponge or roller.
  5. Wait 15 mins before applying DIF for the second time.
  6. Rewet a small section to remove the wallpaper.
  7. Remove any residue by reapplying DIF and waiting a further 15 minutes.
  8. Rinse with clean water once the wallpaper has been removed.

For the best products and decorating advice, head into your local Brewers Decorator Centre today.