Brewers Decorator Centres help local primary school create masterpieces

December 15th, 2020

Imagine it, you’re in Year 3, you’re studying ‘Stone Age to Iron Age’, it’s Art Day and you’ve been asked to create your very own cave paintings. But there’s a severe lack of caves in the area to apply your art skills to…

Enter Brewers Decorator Centre and 120 sheets of sandpaper!

The lack of caves near Granard Primary School in Putney led Year 3 Teacher Will Titterton to enlist the help of his wife Sarah who works at Brewers Decorator Centre in Chiswick. The local store provided the primary school with 120 A4 sheets of sandpaper which provided a ‘cavelike’ canvas for the art class. Using chalks and colouring pencils, the children created their very own cave paintings.

Year 3 Class Teacher Will Titterton said, “The children really enjoyed the challenge of working with this unusual material and as you can see, they produced some amazing results. Having had a first attempt, the children then critiqued their own and others work to help provide specific improvements that could be made. Their second efforts proved even more spectacular than the first.  It's a shame that you can only look at the photos and not 'feel' their masterpieces.”