Problem Solver - Brick (excluding flettons)


A brick is building material used to make walls, pavements and other elements in masonry construction. Traditionally, the term brick referred to unit composed of clay, mortar and kiln dried


Stage 1 - Preparation

Dry brush the surface down using a stiff bristle brush to remove any loose materials

If any mould or mildew is apparent, treat with a suitable fungicidal solution, rinse again with clean water and allow to dry.

Brewers recommends:
  • Albany Fungicidal Wash 1L
    - A 1 litre concentrated multi surface treatment to prevent the growth of surface mould on timber and masonry

If painted, check for cracks or areas of defective masonry and make good.

Stage 2 - Basecoat

Apply a suitable primer

Brewers recommends:

Stage 3 - Topcoat

Apply a suitable topcoat

Brewers recommends: